5020 S Pennsylvania Ave Lansing, MI 48910 517-394-5500

Read Our Reviews from Top Rated Dealer In Lansing, MI

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O.K. AUTOMART - We Want You To Love Your Car .

We understand how important customer service is. Our team is dedicated to making sure every customer is well-informed, respected and satisfied with their purchase. We want to earn your business and keep your business for the long haul – this commitment sets us apart from other dealerships and ensures our success!

O.K. Automart O.K. Automart
517-394-5500 $$$
Oct 30, 2023
I am very nervous around people but riak and the finance manager were very calm warm and welcoming. they got me approved in minutes, explained the difference between two cars i was lookong at and helped me figure out what my insurance company was offering (lease end is not the same as gap insurance and dont let the insurance people tell you otherwise!). I dont have the best credit or income but they were able to get me into the car of my choice. i feel confident in my decision to buy from ok auto mart and i feel confident in the reliability of the car i chosen. thank you!
O.K. Automart O.K. Automart
517-394-5500 $$$
Apr 3, 2023
Ali at O.K Auto Mart was really helpful and worked patiently with me to get me into a car when I was getting turned down at other dealerships.
O.K. Automart O.K. Automart
517-394-5500 $$$
Feb 24, 2023
We came with a set budget and Ali told us the price And what he had. Much appreciated! Thank you
O.K. Automart O.K. Automart
517-394-5500 $$$
Feb 22, 2023
Our salesman was knowledgeable and helpful. Thank you!
O.K. Automart O.K. Automart
517-394-5500 $$$
Feb 21, 2023
O.K. Automart O.K. Automart
517-394-5500 $$$
Feb 20, 2023
I had a great car buying experience! The staff was respectful and knowledgeable. Really nice cars with low miles.They helped me get the vehicle that I wanted and the price was very reasonable. Ok Auto is an awesome place to go to get your next car.
O.K. Automart O.K. Automart
517-394-5500 $$$
6 Testimonials
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